Minggu, Juni 09, 2024

The relationship between population growth and economic growth

The relationship between population growth and economic growth is a topic of ongoing debate among economists. While some studies suggest a positive correlation, others argue that there is no significant link or even a negative relationship. Here are some key findings from reputable journals: 

Journal of Economic Perspectives: A study by E. Wesley F. Peterson (2017) analyzed historical data and found that the relationship between population growth and economic growth is controversial. 

Population and Development Review: Another study by Peterson (2017) concluded that the relationship between population growth and economic growth is complex and influenced by various factors. 

Applied Economics: Research by Juan Gabriel Brida et al. (2022) found that the correlation between population growth and economic growth varies across countries and income levels. They noted that while there is no discernible correlation in some cases, a significant adverse relationship emerges when fertility rates are included in the analysis. 

The Review of Black Political Economy: A study by Kelley and Schmidt (1995) used fixed-effects modeling and random-effects modeling to analyze the relationship between population and economic growth. They did not find evidence of a significant impact of population on per capita income during the 1960 and 1970s. 

Journal of Economic Perspectives: Another study by Maddison (1995) provided standardized per capita GDP statistics across countries, facilitating comparative analyses of the relationship between population and economic growth. 

The Journal of Economic Growth: Research by Solow (1956) established a connection between population growth and economic growth, but the relationship remains controversial. 

The Journal of Economic Development: A study by Bloom et al. (2010) found that population growth can have both positive and negative effects on economic growth, depending on factors such as education and fertility rates. 

The Journal of Environmental Economics: Research by Beckerman (1992) noted that economic growth and environmental degradation are interconnected, with population growth contributing to environmental degradation. 

The Journal of Sustainable Development: A study by Ekins (1997) examined the Kuznets curve for the environment and economic growth, concluding that the relationship between population growth and economic growth is influenced by various factors. 

The Journal of Economic Development: Research by Todaro and Smith (2015) discussed the relationship between population growth and economic development, highlighting the importance of education and fertility rates. 

These studies demonstrate that the relationship between population growth and economic growth is complex and influenced by various factors. While some studies suggest a positive correlation, others argue that there is no significant link or even a negative relationship.


Sabtu, Juni 01, 2024

Bauran Kebijakan Bank Indonesia 2024




Dr. Solikin M. Juhro

Asisten Gubernur


30 MEI 2024

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Tools Perencanaan Bisnis

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Jumat, September 22, 2023

Peta Pemikiran Ekonomi



Jumat, Juni 09, 2023

Perspektif Non-Keynesian

Kontra-teori Keynesian

(i) Pendekatan dana pinjaman (the loanable funds), yang menyiratkan crowding out investasi swasta.

Dalam kasus dana tabungan-investasi ekonomi tertutup neoklasik, pengeluaran pemerintah yang lebih tinggi mengurangi tabungan domestik. Hal ini mendorong peningkatan tingkat bunga domestik yang menyebabkan terjadi private investment crowding out (ICO). Oleh karena itu, pengeluaran pemerintah yang lebih tinggi sepenuhnya diimbangi oleh berkurangnya investasi swasta, (delta G = ICO) yang menggeser skedul AD ke bawah dan kembali ke posisi semula, tanpa efek yang bertahan lama pada pendapatan nasional dan lapangan kerja. Hasil yang sama dapat diperoleh melalui kerangka IS-LM ekonomi tertutup standar ketika permintaan uang diasumsikan bunga tidak elastis dan skedul LM vertikal.

 (ii) Pendekatan Mundell-Fleming, yang mengimplikasikan crowding out dari ekspor neto.

Dalam model Mundell-Fleming, yang merupakan pengembangan ekonomi terbuka dari IS-LM, pengeluaran pemerintah yang lebih tinggi akan meningkatkan permintaan uang. Hal ini memberikan tekanan ke atas pada tingkat bunga domestik untuk jumlah uang beredar tertentu, selanjutnya menarik arus masuk modal asing, yang akan mengapresiasi nilai tukar, dan memperburuk daya saing dalam kasus nilai tukar mengambang, serta mendesak keluar ekspor neto (TCO). Oleh karena itu, pengeluaran pemerintah yang lebih tinggi sepenuhnya diimbangi oleh penurunan ekspor neto (G = TCO), sekali lagi menggeser skedul AD kembali ke posisi semula.

 (iii) Kesetaraan Ricardian (Ricardian Equivalence), yang menyiratkan pengurangan konsumsi swasta karena rumah tangga menabung lebih banyak, untuk memenuhi kewajiban pajak di masa depan, untuk membayar utang publik yang timbul dari defisit anggaran. Jika pajak penghasilan dipotong sementara, rumah tangga menabung lebih banyak untuk memenuhi kewajiban pajak di masa depan yang timbul dari defisit anggaran dan utang publik yang lebih tinggi. Oleh karena itu, jika RE selesai, pemotongan pajak sementara diimbangi dengan pengurangan konsumsi, lagi menggeser kurva AD kembali ke posisi semula.

Sumber: The Limits of Fiscal Policy (Anthony J. Makin)